{% load i18n static %} {% load common %} {% autoescape off %} {% for group_datas in datas %}
{% if forloop.first %}

{{ title }}

From {{ start }} To {{ end }}

{{ group_titles|get_list_value:forloop.counter0}}

{% elif page_wise %}

{{ title }}

From {{ start }} To {{ end }}

{{ group_titles|get_list_value:forloop.counter0}}

{% else %}

{{ group_titles|get_list_value:forloop.counter0}}

{% endif %} {% for header in headers %} {% endfor %} {% for row in group_datas %} {% for coloum in row %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{{ header }}
{{ coloum }}
{% if not page_wise %} {% if not forloop.last %}

{% endif%} {% endif%}
{% endfor %} {% endautoescape %}